Director Information
Blackout Dates
– Blackout Dates are due by Sunday January 13th and should be submitted using the form found below. As a reminder, blackouts are allowed only when a conflict with a school or church function would result in the team not having enough players. For example, you may request a blackout date for CCD or 5th Grade Graduation. We cannot accommodate blackout requests that involve conflicts with other sports schedules or conflicts with the coach’s schedule.
Director Tip – School and Parish websites are an excellent resource for blackout information.
Team Adds and Drops
If you are planning to add or drop a team, we will need to know by the time of our January placement meeting which is being held on Wednesday January 16th at 8pm at the Manor House. At that time, we will review fall standings in order to determine Spring placement. Please remember that adds or drops which occur after January 16th will result in the assessment of a fine.
Director Tip – You might want to consider dropping a team that had multiple forfeits or a team that always played with the minimum number of players.
Placement Meeting
It is very important that you attend the Placement Meeting on January 16th at 8pm at the Manor House. We will review each age bracket and division to determine placement for the Spring. This process is especially important for those teams who may have struggled in the fall as it allows us to place teams with like abilities in the same divisions.
Director Tip – A quick email to your coaches asking for feedback on the fall season can provide important insight into the placement process.
All requests should be put in through these forms and not by email.